Welcome to Champcash:
What is Champcash?
Champcash is an online income application. It is a Money Generation
Concept managed by Multilevel Marketing (MLM) system. The company's
activities started in May 2015 and are yet to be started.
Before you
understand Champcash, you share some things with you. Your home
must have television! If you go out on the street, you see the big
billboard in the street! You must read the paper every day! If
you start any television channel then you may notice that after a few days the
ads of different brands continue !!! Different types of ads open the paper
!! Advertising on the billboard! You may also notice more that the
advertisers of different brands of cricketers and different players of jerseys
!! Do you know what these advertisers spend, how much money does it just
for advertising ? TV cyaleneo add advertising to promote
the donors, but also a fixed rate paid TV channel !!
You will be surprised
to know that the advertising company paid the channel owner at a minimum of 3
to 5 lakh rupees per minute for an ad !!! Depending on the popularity of
the channel, the channel's popularity is as high as the channel's rate
!!! Correct paper is the same! The paper rate is much higher than the
number of subscribers! Robi Company of Bangladesh has contracted with the
Bangladesh Cricket Board for 2 years for 200 million rupees only for their
advertisement campaign !!! And giving the players a minimum of 1 to 2
lakhs per match! Shakib al-Hasan Bangladesh now know how many
monthly income ?? Minimam 5 crore taka !! 80% of the money gets from
the ad !!! In fact, many of us have no idea how powerful and big the
advertising sector is !! Do you know why the sylbreaters have so much
money ? Because most of the money gets paid to advertisements
!!! Maa is taking billions of money from advertising owner for 1 minute
Indian actress Kareena Kapoor gave a tune of 10 crores to show
the fashion show in just 5 minutes for a clothing brand. If I have said a
lie, you can search Google and see how much the owner is and how much money it
comes from !!!! Why is the company spending so much money behind the
syllabary , Back channel , one behind the national
team , a paper back ?????? That's because the number of
fans is the number of subscribers !!!
Let's talk about
our Champcash !!! Champcash is an advertising
campaign !! It's a TV channel , it's a paper , it's a
billboard , it's a celebrity !!! That is, All in One
Here advertisers give billions
of champcash billions to promote advertisements via Champcash !!! The small amount of that money is left with dividends and dividends,
we share those who are a member of the Champcash at a specific rate
!!! This rate depends on the advertiser. This rate never increases or
decreases again. At present, the number of members of the champions is 2
crores, and again in just 2 years as the number of members of the
championship is increasing and becoming popular.
Think after 5 years, where will your business
go ? Just wait longer than ME! How many of you are coming to
work in the sector that you yourself may not realize it , the
time to understand if you can !!!
Mark Zuckerberg has increased its total
revenue by $ 2 billion this year to promote mobile ads through
Facebook! But from there we did not get one! But if you look at Champcash ad
and form a strong team, you will find that in 5 years you will not only get
income from here, but you will not get enough of that which you will earn for a
lifetime! Once you are away from the earth, your income will not be
stopped and you will be able to enjoy it till the 3rd generation of your family
Hopefully what the Champcash can understand.
How does Champcash work?
Receives online scandal from Champcash's contractual company. The
company completes the income by paying them
and earning the user's income.
Apps Name:
Champcash Money Free
Apps Link:
History of Champcash:
Champcash is an Indian
company . Full name Champion Network Private
Ltd. Approved from the Government of India.
Company Management:
Managing Director of
the company Mr. Mahesh Burma, Mrs. Anushka and Mr. K. V.V. Burma
What is
the option of Champcash ?
Here you can understand how much
income you have from Joining, Earn more, Income junction, shop
etc. Today and Total .
Here you can see how many active
member joining up to your 7
label . You can see today , yesterday, how many
were joining this month and how much money was
Your Up-liner 's
name , the number you can see.
Income Junction:
It is a most
important option. Now you can earn money
in every option . Watch videos, complete
surveys, install apps and earn money.
My Network:
Here you can see who
is joining with your Id . If
someone has a red color in the name of it, then
it is pending because he did not complete
the challenge . Here are the number of local
world , the ID Active ask them
to. If there is a green color then it
is ACTIVE. Note: Challenge is only for India Country.
Earn More :
Champcash income
is one of Option 's Earn more
.. here by the App download app register play game
etc , you can earn a lot of money .. Note: Earn more only for USA, UK and India Country.
Help Material:
Here you can
find Champcash 's All Audio, All Text, All
Video, Seminar Picture, Payment Proved etc. Which will give you
the chance to get a lot of money. Invite &
earn: Here Champcash of the many
Polish language Text will. With which you
can joining your friends
Shop & Earn:
By doing shopping you
can earn
My Transaction:
Get information on your income and
withdrawals from here.
How Do You Rank
Achieve What is the reward in any rank etc.
From here you can withdraw
money via Payza / Paypal / Bank . Payza $
50.00, PayPal $ 50.00 and Bank $ 5.00 (Only India), Others $ 200.00 If you can
withdraw money.
Champcash watch a video on how to
earn ❓
1. First go to
the Setting option of the mobile .
2. Click Apps / Application / Application Manager / Application
Management .
3. Clear the data of Champcash & Google Play
services .
4. Download Ultrasurf VPN .
4. Turn on Ultrasurf VPN switch.
5. Open Champcash .
6. Click Income Junction .
7. Click on the video wall .
8.1 minutes after click
on Adcolony .
9. Click Yes .
10. Click Ok and Reopen Champcash ➡ Income
Junction, ➡ Video wall ➡ Adcolony click
✅ Watch unlimited videos this
way .
Really Not show the video Try again .
Note: If see videos today server time is
12:00 PM to tomorrow server time 11:59
Champcash will be credited your earning in main Balance after tomorrow
Server 12.00 . The reason for loading on the
Income Level :
Champakash 7 (seven) level income.
Video Point Count 1 Adcolony Video = $ 0.001125
How much income can you get from here? First look at this plan !!!!!
1. If you watch 150 videos a day, you get $ 5.0625 a month.
2. If you have 10 members in your team, you
can get $ 8.1000 dollars a month to watch 150
videos per day . (Even if you did not)
3. If you have 100 members in your team, then if you
watch 150 videos a day, you get $ 81.0000
a month . (Even if you did not)
4. If you have 1000 members in your team, you
can get $ 810.0000 a month if you watch 150
videos per day . (Even if you did not)
5. If you have 10000 members in your team, you
can get $ 8100.0000 a month if you watch 150 videos
a day . (Even if you did not)
it has more work than just the video wall.
Joining Plan: (Only India):
Earn More Plan: (Only India)
Shop & Earn Plan: (Only India)
Payment Proved:
See details on how to join the following this link: